Who are we?

We are a team of passionate and experienced professionals located across the globe coming together for just one purpose:

Small and medium sized enterprises (SME) who are the backbone of the economy should have access to quality expert strategic business advice.

We passionately believe that the best technical and strategic solutions should be available to all organisations regardless of size.

Latest insights and management tools should drive growth, efficiency and enable businesses to reach their full potential in this fast changing and challenging environment.

You have identified the skill gaps, now what?

PG Business Gap Identification Model

Our Purpose

To provide quality expert strategic advice to all organisations regardless of size to enable them to reach their full potential.

To support and provide our colleagues across the globe a platform to share ideas, collaborate and network in following their passion to achieve perfection in helping businesses to achieve their goals.

To carry out our activities with respect and harmony with the people around us and the planet we live in whilst striving for sustainability in everything we do.

Our Promise

We strive to build our business around the idea of making the world a better place.

We want to rise by lifting others.

We will only be satisfied when our customers’ needs are fulfilled as well as our own.

Our rewards and satisfaction are tied to your success.

Our culture and values

Respect, Integrity, Passion, Leadership, Excellence and Think big

Our Values

  • Set the Standard – We aspire to be leaders in our field.
  • Be Candid – We say what we believe, even if it goes against established thinking.
  • Connect and Share – We believe collaboration and open communication produces the best results
  • Be Different and Better – We’re always seeking ways to innovate
  • Empower yourself and others – We seek to improve ourselves and those around us.
  • Have Fun on the Journey – We work hard but also celebrate achievements
  • There’s only One World – We do not shy away from taking responsibility for the social problems of the world – as complex, difficult and unsolvable as they may initially appear


The world faces a critical moment in tackling the challenges of climate change, environmental pollution, and responsible use of resources.

We are minimizing our own environmental footprint while supporting those who are working to improve global environmental sustainability.

Beyond our own footprint, we seek to use our knowledge and capabilities to support others who are working to improve the environment.

The key elements for responsible Global Citizenship

  • Sense of identity and self-esteem
  • Empathy
  • Commitment to social justice and equity
  • Value and respect for diversity
  • Concern for the environment and commitment to sustainable development
  • Belief that people can make a difference.


Pro bono activities

Commitment to our community

Our firm’s core values encourage every associate to have a servant’s heart and to provide surplus value to our members and enhance shareholder value. Skills-based support to non-profit organizations allows our firm to provide our most valuable resource to our non-profit partners. 

At the same time, our pro bono team members build leadership capabilities and other skills, and in some cases further refine technologies and other solutions that can be translated into member benefit.