
Looking to unlock your business potential? We can help you.

Business Diagnostics - Focus on how we are traveling and the road blocks.

Let’s say that you have got the basics right with the accounting systems and controls functioning smoothly and your time is well spent on strategies to grow the business.

Diagnostic tools will highlight where to focus your energy. You may want to know where you can spend your limited time and get the most returns. You may want to reallocate the limited resources to the high performing part of the business.

Once a strategy is implemented you would like to know the outcome, if successful, why and if not, why it did not succeed.

Timing is the essence of the diagnostic tools. End of year financial statements are good only to the tax authorities, it is too late and too high level to understand the business drivers.

With the digitisation of workplaces, businesses capture and store large quantities of data. That means there’s even more potential to glean key insights from business information – yet only a small percentage of data is actually analysed.

Thanks to technology we now live in a world where answers are cheap, plentiful and instant. Ability to construct a good question is priceless. The curiosity of good question is worth a million good answers. It has the ability to inspire and compel people to think and act.

What does that mean for businesses? How can they make better use of the raw information that flows into their organizations every day?

That’s where we come in with years of multi sector experience gained across the world.

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How can we help your business?

Performance Management

The ability to make well-informed decisions is dependent on the quality of information available to the management team.

While most businesses have systems in place to report on their financial performance, interpreting this data in a meaningful and comprehensive way takes experience and expertise.

A thorough and objective review of your current operations can reduce costs, improve efficiency and increase profitability.

Our experienced team of business advisors can review your entire operation to determine what’s performing well, and where your business can improve.

Working with your management team, we can develop key performance indicators specific to your business’ needs. Once these are in place, a close monitoring system and analysis of useful reports allow us to offer tailored advice and practical recommendations.

Our specialist industry knowledge also allows us to benchmark you against the competition, allowing for better decision making.

How we can help

  • Periodic budgeting and controls
  • Cash flow forecasting
  • KPI development, analysis and reporting
  • Breakeven and profitability analysis

Planning, budgeting and forecasting

Planning, Budgeting and Forecasting is a key component of how information is generated and processed, how decisions are made and how responses are formulated to steer the organisation and impact future performance.  The processes involved are tightly linked to many others, and involve and connect many people and functions across an organisation. The processes are critical for helping finance management understand where they are today, plan for where they want to be tomorrow and understand what steps are needed to be taken to ensure the organisation is able to stay on course. 

Many organisations fail to recognise the importance of appropriate planning, budgeting and forecasting, rather viewing the process as an untimely distraction for the financial year and reporting process. Too often, there is a loss of perspective behind why planning, budgeting and forecasting is performed, including what they want to achieve on a day to day basis and what metrics should be monitored and managed.   

Finance Advisory is able to offer a holistic view to improve organisational planning, budgeting and forecasting activities including the consideration to improve effectiveness over:

  • Integrating planning, budgeting and forecasting with corporate strategy 
  • Using forecasting properly to enhance corporate agility 
  • Applying process skills and discipline to monitor and manage forecast quality
  • Clarifying decision-making responsibilities within your organisation’s specific operating model
  • Exploiting technology to innovate, increase internal capability and implement more dynamic financial modelling and analytics.

Contact us to discuss how we can help improve your planning, budgeting and forecasting policies and processes, or to access case studies about how we’ve helped our clients.


We analyse your business inside and out and develop tailor made reports to highlight your business drivers and drags making decision-making easier for you to pull the right levers. Companies that make effective decisions and execute them well enjoy a huge payoff: superior financial performance and much higher employee engagement.


Let us help you overshoot your goals in the right ways.