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Finance’s role in accounting for climate change

Finance’s role in accounting for climate change

    By Alexis See Tho   Accountants and finance professionals have an outsized role in supporting informed discussions on climate change risks.       Environmental risks have edged out other threats in the past decade to now dominate the top global risks listed by the World Economic Forum’s annual Global Risks report. In 2019, “extreme weather events”, “failure of climate-change mitigation and adaptation”, and “natural disasters” were among the top five risks by likelihood and potential impact. Climate…
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10 reasons why deals disappoint

10 reasons why deals disappoint Most acquisitions fail to meet expectations. Here’s why. By Cheryl Meyer 23 October 2019 In today’s competitive mergers-and-acquisitions market, where valuations are high and interest...

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2020’s top business risks

Differing views on the relative importance of risks is one challenge organisations face in improving overall risk management. By Neil Amato 19 December 2019

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