
Looking to unlock your business potential? We can help you.

A business cannot succeed long term in today’s hyper-competitive environment without a robust strategic plan. But standing back from your business in order to create a plan is often a challenge to both time and energy.

Because we work with such a wide range of businesses – small to large and across many different industries – we have a broad perspective that makes them perfectly placed to work with you and facilitate a strategic plan for your organisation.

Our advisors will ask the simple questions that can be very hard to answer: questions like ‘Who are we?’, ‘What do we do?’, ‘Who do we do it for?’ and ‘Why do they choose us?’ They will then delve deeper, seeking to help you to really understand what it is that makes your business tick, and where the opportunities are for the future.

That understanding is a starting point to identifying the ‘what, where and how’ of your strategic plan, both in the short to medium term and out to the long term of five years or more.

A good strategic plan will consider issues such as market development, coping with growth and succession planning. It will provide both today’s management and tomorrow’s with a firm foundation on which to make their decisions – now and many years down the track.

The most difficult step of a strategic plan is usually the first step: taking action to get started. So make the call, and let our consultant be your guide.

Business Solutions to overcome road blocks

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How can we help your business?

Business coaching, mentoring and critical thinking

The pace of change and the compelling need for business leaders to adapt has never been greater. What is the right decision? Who do I listen to? Where can I get help?

With this in mind we have brought right people together to challenge establish thinking and drive transformation to match the current pace of change. Our team of experienced experts can act as your strategic partner bring in their knowledge and thinking into your business environment.

Or you have great idea and you need to think through on how to realise the true potential. We have experts who can run sessions with your team to encourage critical thinking by asking the right questions to ensure that you have thought about every angle and facilitate decision-making.


Successful business growth requires an understanding of unmet or underserved customer needs, and quickly developing new offers and customer experiences that deliver on them. In order to make the most impact, companies need to act faster than the competition and do so in a sustainable, practical way.

Using our unique capabilities and engagement models help build integrated plans that drive success and growth for your business in both the short and long term. We collaborate with key stakeholders to build a growth plan that will drive the most impact for your business.

The bottom line? We enable businesses to accelerate growth quickly and profitably — mobilizing your organization, instead of disrupting it.

Some of the growth strategies to explore

  • Market Penetration Strategy

  • Market Expansion or Development

  • Product Expansion Strategy

  • Growth Through Diversification

  • Acquisition of Other Companies

Business Turnaround

With corporate insolvencies at an all-time high and set to get worse, it’s worth taking time to review best practice turnaround techniques to ensure your business is prepared for any collateral damage.

It’s also important to remember that very rarely is there is quick fix in turnaround situations.

In the majority of situations the Management needs to come up with one or two big strategies around which the turnaround plan can be built. This could mean a fundamental change in the business model, selling off non-core or non-essential assets/businesses, paring back the business to its core or maybe even an acquisition or merger for greater economies of scale.

Pick one or two big plays that could save the business – tinkering around the edges simply causes more distress and value destruction.

These are the key phases for a typical turnaround project:

1.  Analyse the situation

2.  Implement a stabilisation plan

3.  Change management

4.  Restructure the business

5.  Return to normal

Business Cases for investment or funding

A business case answers the question: “what will happen if we proceed with this investment decision?” The justification for the business case is presented in a carefully constructed document detailing the rationale to convince a decision maker to approve the investment recommendation.

The fundamental questions to consider in developing the business case are:

  • Which of the alternatives should we invest in to generate the most value for the organisation?

    • Are other alternatives more profitable?

    • Will this investment deliver benefits of high value?

  • Is it strategically the best approach?

  • Should the organisations consider investing at all in this proposal?

The practical question must also be addressed: can the business proposal be implemented as planned, delivered to time and budget and produce the expected benefits?

The making of a business case will carefully examine the benefits and risks involved proceeding with the recommendation; the alternatives and the benefits of the recommendation; and the risks of not proceeding. A strong business case will make a compelling recommendation for implementation.


Let us help you overshoot your goals in the right ways.